
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Resolutions for my Bookish Life this year

Hosted by: The Artsy Reader Girl

Top Ten Tuesday is a long-running weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish which, just this week, has been taken over by Jana at Artsy Reader Girl.

Participants are numerous and I am excited to get to know some fellow book bloggers.

The question for today is: What are you hoping to accomplish in your bookish life this year?

1. I hope to get back into blogging on a regular schedule. Some tragic family circumstances, one of which is over and the other of which will be with me forever, have resulted in a general lack of direction in my personal life over the past nearly three years. This is the year to get back on track with my reading and writing goals.

2. I hope to get my NetGalley reading stats to near 100%. There's 15-20 books to read and review before that's a reality. But if I want more books from NetGalley, and I do, I need to read those books. Thankfully, nearly all still sound exciting.

3. I hope to read and review one Christian nonfiction book each week. This should be an easy goal, except in that I love reading Christian nonfiction so much, it's often difficult to turn my attention to fiction.

4. I hope to read and review one or two other books each week. Reading one young adult romance and one book of adult inspirational romance/fiction is my plan.

5. So that's about 150 books, which is a lot of reading for me. I've set the bar high, but it's always better to challenge yourself, I believe.

6. Of all of those wonderful, 100+ fiction reads, most have been on my TBR pile for up to five years. I still long to read them. So this year, that's exactly what I hope to do.

7. I also hope to contribute to, and comment on, plenty of book discussion posts, for the sake of hope #8, below:

8. I hope to get to know many other book bloggers, making new friends in the book blogosphere.

9. On Sundays, I hope to post a quote with an inspirational image. The image will also be posted on my Instagram account.

10. I hope to work some on my writing. I'm revising a YA romance that's been sitting in a bottom drawer (so to speak) for the past five years.

Those are my bookish goals for the year. What are yours?


  1. I think those are awesome bookish goals. NetGalley... I haven't been on my account there in forever. While I do love picking out new books by their shiny covers, I just can't quite get myself to commit to review them all. I would hate to end up HAVING to read one I don't love and then HAVING to leave a review just to keep my stats up. I think that's what's fundamentally wrong with their system, but I understand why they run it that way. It was a small reading year for me because of the baby and toddler, but I'm hoping 2018 will be better. Here's wishing you epic success on your 2018 goals!

  2. That was my problem with NetGalley. I chose so many, I was overwhelmed.

    It was a small reading year for you? I looked at all the books you read and reviewed--was it 50? or 100? That doesn't look small to me.

    Like you said in your blog post, it's an excellent way of giving back, as well as enjoying a good book in the process.

    Thanks for stopping by, and best wishes for your reading goals in 2018.

  3. You have great goals here, Cathy, and I look forward to reading some of the titles you will review. I've been very slow out of the gate this year so far in reading but once the flu finally passes, I will get back to it! Wishing you a blessed year full of encouragement and strength.

  4. Oh yes, the flu's been bad around here, too. Feel better soon! Thank you for the encouragement. I love it when you stop by.


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