
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wheat Harvest 2010

Wheat harvest is in full, dusty, and glorious swing.
I love the sound of combines as they travel down a road. I think it's the sound of the hydrostat, (whatever that is). I need my husband to help me with this post. The header bounces along. Combines remind me of ginormous grasshoppers--don't ask me why--they don't jump!

The tires stand almost as tall as me (5'4"). To get inside the cab, you have to climb a pull-down ladder with about 10 steps. In the fields, they are incredibly maneuverable. We used to run green combines (John Deere), but for the past couple of decades we've been running red (Case).

View from inside the cab. Wheat is gushing out of the arm into a waiting truck. From the truck, it's taken, in our case, to on-site grain bins. After harvest is over, we empty the bins, one semi-load at a time, and haul it 25 miles to Almota, along the Snake River. From Almota, it's put on barges. The barges follow the Snake until it meets the Columbia, and then it gets unloaded in Portland. Our soft white wheat markets are mostly in Japan and China.


  1. I didn't realize that wheat is harvested so early! My dad won't get into the bean and cornfields for another couple months. I think combines look a little like grasshoppers, plus they consume what is in front of them. Love the picture!

  2. Wow, what an incredible post. I love reading about the farm since I am in Silicon Valley and everything here is so high tech. It is a nice reminder about the places and people who provide the world with so much.


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