
Friday, April 13, 2012

Lentils: This is the Palouse


In case you've never seen a lentil, it's a tiny, greenish-brown, ochre, or red disk. The Palouse area is officially the Lentil Capital of the World. Since I've lived here, lentil growers have organized The National Lentil Festival, which takes place August 17-18, in downtown Pullman, which is also the home of Washington State University.

The Lentil Festival is quite a big deal. On Friday night, you can sample lentil chili that was made in an enormous vat that gets hauled down to Main Street and plunked down in the middle of it. There's a street fair that runs through Friday and Saturday, as well as a whole bunch of other activities.

More information on the National Lentil Festival.

Lentil recipes abound. I have recipes for lentil soups, lentil chilis, lentil tacos. But the lentil-walnut patties, above, are my favorite. They must've been the original "veggie burger," as I recall first running across the recipe way back when I was studying dietetics at WSU in the dark ages.

Click here for lentil-walnut burger recipe.


  1. Hi Cathy,
    Hopping over from the A-Z Challenge F.A.I.T.H. girls blog. I like your A-Z theme. :)

  2. Hi, Cathy! I'm not sure I've had too many lentil meals. But I'm sure I'd like it!

    Hope you're having a great week and happy A to Z!!

  3. Hey Cathy! You're living my dream! I hope when I retire from teaching, I'll be able to be a full time writer. How many more years are you looking at? I'm in my 21st year this year, so I still have A LOT of time left. I'm hoping the 'writing thing' will take off, but I'm not holding my breath! lol I love this A-Z challenge...I'm meeting so many new writer friends. :)

  4. I love lentils. This sounds like a fun festival and those lentil burgers look mighty yummy!

  5. I love lentil soup. Never tried lentil burgers, but that recipe looks enticing. Thanks!

  6. Hi, Cathy, thanks so much for following my poor little blog. I don't really want to close up shop on it, but I'm still mulling it over! Aaaanywhooooo...I am a huge fan of lentils. The lentil/walnut burger sounds wonderful and I'd follow a vat of lentil chili down my street any day., though, it would be a vat of Philly cheese steaks...and I doubt a lentil version is in the works. hehe


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